When legislators introduced legislation that imposed unreasonable limitations and restrictions on charter schools that serve at-risk youth, Lifelong Learning stepped in to shepherd its nonprofit clients through the fight to kill the bill.
The strategy focused on create statewide awareness for the bill’s inequitable attacks on students at a time when post-pandemic learning loss was devastating. We saturated the home districts of key legislators through a targeted media campaign.
The message highlighted how the bill created serious equity issues by penalizing at-risk students and their parents for choosing a different and more effective way of learning. By cutting funding and options for disadvantaged students, students of color and those living in poverty, the bill denied them of the basic civil right to a quality education.
We commissioned an independent poll of 800 voters with high school-aged children to get their take on restricting education options for families. The results were staggering with outsized support for the ideals harmed by this legislation ranging from 80-90% of parents, across political, geographic and economic spectrums.
Student testimonials brought the issue home to the feet of legislators who’s votes would literally strip a young person of their ability to learn in the way they felt best.
- Message strategy
- Website development
- Creative platform
- Organic, paid social media and SEO
- Print, radio and TV advertising
- Direct mail
- Op-eds, editorial boards/desksides
- Press release and media relations
- Letter writing campaign
- Legislative calls and meetings
- Like-minded organization outreach
- Student rallies and testimonials
In the end, the bill died when lawmakers finally understood restricting proven models that engage students and provide them the support they need at the height of statewide learning loss crisis was unconscionable.