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How High Schools Can Maintain Career Tech Classes Despite Teacher Shortages

February 10, 2022

While millions of people are currently unemployed and looking for work, there is a massive labor shortage with 10.9 million unfilled jobs across the U.S.[1] The blame, as a recent Harvard Business Review article points out, is because “the U.S. education system is not held accountable for ensuring that students are properly equipped with the skills and capabilities to prepare for a career where they can obtain financial stability.”[2] 

Learn4Life has Integrated CTE programs, which allow us to offer job skills training without a CTE teacher. Students can work on the core study of a pathway before moving on to a more intensive course taught by a CTE teacher.

For example, in the Health & Patient Care pathway, the Integrated CTE classes cover the basics of medical vocabulary, anatomy and exploration of the types of healthcare careers students can pursue. These meet all the state requirements and can be taught by teachers who are not CTE certified. Students are discovering the countless healthcare career options like emergency medicine, fitness and kinesiology.

Many of Learn4Life’s Integrated CTE courses allow students to earn core credits toward their graduation, not just elective credits. Integrated S.L.A.M. blends literature, art and media, with expressive writing, research and spoken performance. While earning English Language Arts credit, students gain experience for a career in theater and performing arts.

[1] Washington Post: 4.3 million Americans left their jobs in December as omicron variant disrupted everything. Feb. 1, 2022.

[2] Harvard Business Review: The U.S. Education System Isn’t Giving Students What Employers Need. May 18, 2021.